Monday, 12 July 2010

Post 11: Logo research

In order to research logos i have compiled a group to observe. They are mainly music company logos and tv institutions.

The first logo is catually Less Than Jakes own record label "Sleep it off records"

I like its simplicty
Use of characters

The next logo is from Warner Brothers

I like its simplicity and use of tones instead of colour somthing i would like to incorporate into my logo

The next logo is from the record company Decaydance records

I like once again how the use of tones has been done so in an effective manour.
The deceration around the title

The next logo is from Fueld by Ramen who put out the song that i will be using.

I like how it comes together to create a coffe cup
Once again liking the simplicity and use of tones

The last logo is from Dreamworks

Overall im not to fond on the logo however i do like the symbolism and almost mythology of it allso the colours are quite bould and grab you

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